Here is the list of releases we have received for RSD Black Friday. Some items have very limited quantities – we receive what we are allotted and have no control over this process. Remember: No holds or preorders on any of the items on this page. First come, first served. Only 1 copy of a title per person.

We will be open our regular hours (11 AM – 7 PM). We will have a set capacity for the beginning of the day (10 people allowed in at a time). The afternoon will not have that limited capacity. Our guidelines are here.

For those of you wanting to shop from your own home, RSD Black Friday items will go into our inventory Saturday morning and can be ordered online at that time for pickup or delivery (the list on this page does NOT represent what can be ordered online, you will need to search the inventory pages for the title you were looking for).

Please note: The PDF version of the list will NOT be updated as the day progresses.

116 S Linn St, Iowa City IA
(319) 337-5029